Laser Photo Wizard Connected Text Generator

Laser Photo Wizard Connected Text Generator

People love seeing fancy text, especially their own name. This feature makes it easy to make dramatic text signs. The connected text options is just what it sounds like, this generator will create text that is connect to a base or connected to itself. You can select the font and the size and other options. This generator will create an output image to be engraved and a black image that can be vectorized for cutting the image out. The basic styles that can be created are:

Text on a base
Laser Photo Wizard Connected Text Generator

This is the simplest method and looks quite nice. It suffers from not connecting things like the dot on an i. You can glue the dot on or just forget it.

Text on a base with a surround radius
Laser Photo Wizard Connected Text Generator

Adding a surround radius can connect thing like the dot on an I. Also selecting a better font make the text pop!

Text on a base, with extra space for a message
Laser Photo Wizard Connected Text Generator

This is the same as the text on a base but extra space can be added to the base to leave room for text to be added when the item is engraved.

Text with connecting radius only
Laser Photo Wizard Connected Text Generator

This text does not need a base as all the letters can be connected with the connection radius. Note how the connection radius was increased to connect the F to the a.

Connected Text Settings
Select Font: Select the font to use. You can also set italic or bold on some fonts
Connected Text Folder Name: The output will be stored in Documents/Green Screen Wizard/ConnectedTextOutput/folder name
Text Height: Height of text in inches or centimeters.
Base:The height of the base as a percent of the text height.
Image Size Select image size that matches DPI of engraver and is large enough to fit the text
Extra Base: Extra space in inches to add messages to project.
Corner Radius: Give rounded edge to base
Surround Radius: Will add a black area around text so that the letters can be connected. Add .15 to start.
Vert Margin: Add margin to the top and bottom.
Horz Margin: Adds margin to left and right.

When you are happy with the connected text, exit the generator and then use the Load Foreground file to open the Connected Text Job.gsw file. This file will have the text and a cutting red vector outline.

It stores this answer in the Documents/Green Screen Wizard/ConnectedText/Your Folder/Connected Text Job.gsw file.
Laser Photo Wizard Connected Text Generator